Korean Chicken Wings

Take your appetite on a flight with Korean wings. Especially when National Sauces take a dive in it. Fly away with great taste.

I Made It


  • Chicken Wings with Skin 6
  • National Salt 1 tsp
  • National Soya Sauce 1 tbsp
  • National Ginger Garlic Paste 1 tbsp
  • National Ground Black Pepper 1 tsp
  • Flour 1½ cup
  • Cooking Oil For deep-frying
  • Soda Water ½ cup
  • White Sesame For garnishing


  • Peri Peri Sauce 2-3 tbsp
  • National Hot & Spicy Ketchup ½ cup
  • Honey 1 tbsp
  • Soy Sauce 1 tbsp


Marination and Coating:

  • Season chicken with National Salt, National Black Pepper Powder, National Soya Sauce, National Ginger Garlic Paste and marinate for 2 hours straight.
  • Coat it in flour.
  • Now make a thin mixture of soda water, National Salt ½ tsp and flour ½ cup.
  • Dip chicken pieces in the batter first and then coat them in flour again. Set aside.


  • Combine ½ cup National Ketchup, 1 tbsp of Honey, 1 tsbp of National Soya Sauce and stir to mix well.
  • Heat 2 cups of cooking oil in a wok and drop wings gently into that. Deep-fry until light brown or until they are cooked and become crispy.
  • Take them out and drain on paper towels.


  • Glaze the wings with dressing and toss to coat well.
  • Garnish with sesame and serve immediately.